Bzzzzz… Betty the Bee is ready to buzz into your life! These bees come in two sizes. The little bees are a fun handheld size (about 3-4 inches), making them extra fun to squeeze (almost like little stress balls)! The larger size is about 6-8 inches long. Every bee is made with high quality, super soft velvet yarn.
This product uses safety (plastic) eyes which are not recommended for children under 4. Please exercise caution.
Smaller pattern by Maple Stitch Co, larger pattern by Hooked by Robin
Bzzzzz… Betty the Bee is ready to buzz into your life! These bees come in two sizes. The little bees are a fun handheld size (about 3-4 inches), making them extra fun to squeeze (almost like little stress balls)! The larger size is about 6-8 inches long. Every bee is made with high quality, super soft velvet yarn.
This product uses safety (plastic) eyes which are not recommended for children under 4. Please exercise caution.
Smaller pattern by Maple Stitch Co, larger pattern by Hooked by Robin