Barry the Balloon Dog may not be full of air, but he sure is full of excitement to meet you! Barry is crocheted as a long chain of links, so he can be untwisted and retwisted for twice the fun! There are great YouTube videos to show you how to do it, so no worries about not being able to reassemble!
Despite looking like a balloon animal, Barry is made of high quality, super soft yarn and stuffed like a stuffed animal, not inflated with air.
Pattern by Gloria B.
Barry the Balloon Dog may not be full of air, but he sure is full of excitement to meet you! Barry is crocheted as a long chain of links, so he can be untwisted and retwisted for twice the fun! There are great YouTube videos to show you how to do it, so no worries about not being able to reassemble!
Despite looking like a balloon animal, Barry is made of high quality, super soft yarn and stuffed like a stuffed animal, not inflated with air.
Pattern by Gloria B.